Parks & Facilities

Fall picture pathway in park

Come out to enjoy the gifts of nature at one of our many parks!

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.”

-John Burroughs

Park Rules

Parks are for walking, talking, riding, jogging, football, baseball, basketball and a million other things. But, above all, parks are for people. As much as we all enjoy the open space and freedom our parks provide, there are rules. Here are some of the basic rules which allow everyone to have a safe, healthy, and enjoyable time in our parks.

  • Parks close at dusk & reopen at dawn
  • Pets must be leashed & waste removed
  • Alcoholic beverages prohibited
  • Park only in designated parking stalls
  • No overnight parking or storage of personal property
  • No dumping or littering
  • No weapons or fireworks
  • No motorized vehicles on park property

If you see a problem at one of our parks, please contact us at (630) 466-7436.

Parks Use Ordinance

Bike trails & Pathways

With miles of endless trails throughout the Fox Valley area, including Sugar Grove’s local communities, there is ample opportunity to explore your next adventure.

To learn about our community’s long-range plan for bike and pedestrian pathway connectivity, click here:

Sugar Grove Community Bike Plan

Park Watch

We need your help in keeping the parks clean, safe and free of vandalism. If you find any broken equipment, or have any other safety concerns about the parks or facilities, please contact the Park District at (630) 466-7436. If you see vandalism occurring in the parks please contact the Sugar Grove Police Department by calling the non-emergency number (630) 466-4526. Thank you for your support in our efforts to provide the residents of the Park District with quality park sites and facilities.

Parks & Buildings

Park Amenities:

Restored Prairie Open Space


270 Belle Vue Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north to Park Ave., turn east to St. James Pkwy. Go north to Belle Vue Drive, head east.

Park Amenities

Playground (5-12 yrs), Basketball Court, Gazebo, Nature Conservancy


904 Black Walnut Dr Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north to Bliss Road. Go east on Bliss Road to Denny Road. Go east on Denny Road to Black Walnut Subdivision. Turn south on Black Walnut Drive.


Park Amenities

Gazebo (2), Paved Pathway, Restored Prairie, Interpretive Signage (2)


1030 McDole Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north to Bliss Road. Go east on Bliss Road to Denny Road, approximately 2 miles turns into Norris Road. Continue to McDole Drive, turn west

Sand Wasp - Bembix texana, Sapelo Island, Georgia.jpg

Sand Wasps (Bembix)

Not to worry.  They’re all buzz, no sting.

With a gestation period of about six weeks, sand wasps swoop in to say hello every summer when the females dig nests in sandy ground.  If you see these insects, think friend not foe.  Sand wasps prey on house fliers, deer flies, and mosquitoes.  Adults also feed on flower nectar, pollinating plants in the process.  They are unaggressive, solitary insects, and among the many wasp species that almost never sting humans.  Males are not equipped to sting.  Females can sting if crushed, say by stepping on them with bare feet.

Given the six-week gestation period, their visits are short lived.  By the time you see them, it’s almost time for them to buzz off.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5 yrs & 5-12 yrs)


171 Arbor Avenue Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Cross Street. Go east on Bedford Ave. Go south on Arbor Ave.

Park Amenities

Open Space


300 Donald Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north, head west on Rt. 30 to Dugan Road. Turn south on Dugan Road to Fay’s Lane. Head east and follow road around to park.

Exciting things are happening!

We’ve been working on Dugan Park West to bring out more of it’s natural beauty.  Through a contract with ENCAP, work is progressing and includes:

  1. Broadleaf weed treatment in meadow area
  2. Reed canary and other invasive species herbicide treatment along inlet fingers and pond edge
  3. Overseed bare area from herbicide treatments
  4. Invasive wood species removal from pond and inlet areas (winter)
  5. Invasive wood species removal from creek (winter)
  6. Prescribed burn ( fall or spring)

If you would like to see more details about our vision for the park, click here:

 2021 Dugan West ENCAP Project

Park Amenities

Playground (5-12 yrs), Open Space


1944 Fays Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north, head west on Rt. 30 to Dugan Road. Turn south on Dugan Road to Fay’s Lane. Head east and follow road around to park.


Park Amenities

Playground (5-12 yrs), Baseball/Softball Fields (3), Multi-Use Court, Picnic Shelter, Bags Courts, Chess/Checker Tables, Paved Walking Path, Natural Gardens, Open Space


1601 Esker Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Harter Road. Turn at entrance of Harter Middle School. Go south to school parking lot. Park at east end and walk to park.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5 yrs), Baseball Field, Open Space


290 Patricia Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Cross Street. Turn west to Main Street. Go south to Maple Street. Turn west to Patricia Lane and directly south into parking lot.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5 yrs & 5-12 yrs), Baseball Field, Open Space


405 Mallard Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 south to Prairie Street, south on Brookhaven Circle. Go west on Mallard Lane.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5yrs and 5-12 yrs), Picnic Shelter, Paved Pathway


1280 Dorr Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Bliss Rd. Go east on Bliss Rd to Hankes Rd. Go south on Hankes Rd to Norris Rd and turn left. Turn right on McDole Dr. Turn right on Dorr Dr.

Prairie Building

The Prairie Building is home to the STARS program since 2016.  Structured Therapeutic Adult Recreation Services (STARS) is a year-round community-based program for adults with disabilities. Through a partnership with the Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA) and Association for Individual Development (AID), this program provides activities that address key areas of learning in community integration, recreation and independent living skills.  The program runs daily throughout the year.

 STARS program


Large Meeting Room, Kitchen


Behind Repede Center & Kaneland John Shields Elementary School 31 Main Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Sugar Grove. Turn west on Cross Street to stop sign. Turn north on Main Street and park is located on the west side of Main Street. Volunteer Park is located directly behind the Repede Center and Kaneland John Shields Elementary School.


Repede Center

On July 28, 2018, the Sugar Grove Park District formally dedicated the administration building located at 61 South Main Street in honor of Greg Repede, the district’s founding director.


Administrative Offices, Parks Maintenance


61 S. Main Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Cross Street.  Go west on Cross to Main Street.  Turn right at the stop sign and head north past the elementary school.


Park Amenities

Paved Pathway, Open Space


490 Mallard Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 south to Rolling Oaks Road. Go east to Mallard Lane and continue north.

Park Amenities

Playground (5-12 yrs), Basketball Court


69 Terry Drive Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Cross Street. Go east to Richard Street, head north to Terry Drive. Go east on Terry Drive to Monna Street.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5 yrs & 5-12 yrs), Baseball/Softball Fields (4), Concessions Stand, Picnic Shelter, Natural Wetland, Woof Run Dog Park


901 Wheeler Road Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Wheeler Road. Go west on Wheeler Road approximately 2 miles.


Park Amenities

Prairie Building, Baseball Fields (3), Paved Pathway, Native Plantings


Behind Repede Center & Kaneland John Shields Elementary School 31 Main Street Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Sugar Grove. Turn west on Cross Street to stop sign. Turn north on Main Street and park is located on the west side of Main Street. Volunteer Park is located directly behind the Repede Center and Kaneland John Shields Elementary School.

Park Amenities

Full Basketball Court, Sand Volleyball Court, Concrete Bags Court, Picnic Shelter, Woodland Pathway


945 Norris Road Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 to Bliss Rd. Go east on Bliss Rd. to Hankes Rd. Go south on Hankes Rd to Norris Rd and turn left.

Park Amenities

Playground (2-5 yrs & 5-12 yrs)


275 Exeter Lane Sugar Grove, IL 60554


Take Rt. 47 north to Galena Blvd, turn west to St. James Pkwy. Go north to Exeter Lane, east to Hampton Drive.

Other Community Facilities


The Township Building is the home to the Office of the Supervisor, Assessor’s Office, Mental Health and the Senior Center. In addition, there are rooms available for public use. The Sugar Grove Township Building is an asset of the township and the privilege of using this building is restricted to residents or organizations of Sugar Grove Township.

Reserve a Room at the Sugar Grove Township

Did you know there’s a place in Sugar Grove where you can celebrate many of the special milestones in life, play sports and host youth practices, as well as conduct meetings?

Did you realize that as a Sugar Grove Township resident, you could utilize this Sugar Grove Township Community Building and its many amenities, simply by reserving a date, making a deposit and paying a nominal maintenance and utility fee?

Learn more about the Sugar Grove Community Building

Welcome to Sugar Grove!

At the intersection of Route 47 & Cross Street, our electronic sign greets residents and visitors alike. The sign is a cooperative venture of these local shareholders:

  • Village of Sugar Grove
  • Sugar Grove Community House
  • Sugar Grove Township
  • Sugar Grove Fire Protection District or Auxiliary
  • Sugar Grove Park District
  • Sugar Grove Corn Boil, NFP

The message board is used to communicate important local news and events that benefit the community. The sign can be used by non-for-profit organization for a small fee. While events like a garage sale, birthday, or anniversary are important, the sign cannot be used for these personal communications.

To learn more about using the electronic sign, view and download the Electronic Sign Policy

Electronic Sign Request Form